Sunday, January 25, 2009

If you thought FAT was lonely, try losing weight

Wow. If you thought being fat was a lonely place to be, try losing weight. Your friends - especially if THEY are fat, won't want you to lose weight. It's like, they don't want YOU to get skinny cause then they'd have to confront how fat THEY are and they are not ready to do that.

I tried to get a couple of friends who are less fat than me, but still FAT, to lose weight with me, join the gym, walk etc. One has had a heart attack already. The other has diabetes. Both said no. They said, "I'm not THAT fat yet." I said, "Why wait until you're a total pig to decide to lose?" I am not popular among certain people right now.

But that's okay. I am still going through with this. I registered for the Body For Life challenge and I am giving up soda this week. I drank water all day yesterday, but had one last Big Gulp today. Sigh. It probably will be hard, but it's harder staying fat.

I can't breathe. I feel like I'm always trying to catch my breath. I don't like it.
At one point a couple of years ago I weighed 274 pounds!! I lost 50 and have kept it off. But now I want to lose 100. I'm one-third of the way there from two years ago. I CAN do it. If I do the Body For Life Challenge this time and the next time, there's a good chance I'll have lost the 100 pounds by fall. Yeah!

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